
Welcome To Barren County Preschool Webpage

Christa Middleton - Director of Special Programs

Molly Caswell - Teacher Consultant

Denise Rose- Preschool Lead Teacher


Kindergarten Readiness

Barren County Schools is committed to increasing the number of students who are Kindergarten ready by offering camp opportunities that focus on the key indicators of school readiness. 

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Barren County Preschool Receives Best Ratings
All Classes Earn 5 Stars


Kentucky All STARS is Kentucky’s expanded five-star quality rating and improvement system for early care and education programs. Studies show that children who attend high quality early learning environments have better math, language and social skills. Kentucky All STARS is based on Kentucky’s Early Childhood Standards and research-based indicators of quality. It recognizes programs that have made a commitment to continuous quality improvement. Barren County Schools are committed to providing quality educational experiences to all students, beginning in preschool! Congratulations to Austin Tracy Elementary, Eastern Elementary, Hiseville Elementary, North Jackson Elementary, Park City Elementary, Red Cross Elementary, and Temple Hill Elementary! Well done!!


Attention parents of incoming kindergarten & 1st grade students - a recent change in Kentucky Law has amended KRS 158.030 to say that beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, any child who is five (5) years of age, or who may become five (5) years of age by August 1, may enter a primary school program.    This date change will impact students who have birth dates between Aug 2 and Sept 30.  


Sign your child up for Dolly Parton's Imagination Library and they will receive FREE books, delivered right to your door! Click here for more information