Instruction & Technology

Scott Harper
Assistant Superintendent - Instructional Services Division
The Instruction & Technology Department is dedicated to evaluating and assessing all curriculum and instruction practices within the district. This team of professionals work very diligently making sure that the students of Barren County will succeed in their education.
The department is dedicated to supporting the students, teachers, and principals of Barren County Schools. Through a shared vision, transparency, and true collaboration we work as a team to make Barren County Schools the best it can be. It's an honor to lead this group of professionals who work tirelessly for the students, our families, and our community.
Meet the Team -
Mr. Scott Harper, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Michael Davis, Director of Elementary Instruction
Mrs. Sherri Perkins, Federal Programs Assistant
Instructional Services:
Jennifer Clemmons - District Instructional Coach
Crystin Moore - District Instructional Coach
Keri Mosier - District Instructional Coach
Chasity Wilson - District Instructional Coach
John Alexander - District Gifted Teacher
Lorie Richey - District Gifted Consultant/Teacher
Dinah Wallace - District Gifted Consultant/Teacher
Susan Hammer - District Instructional Coordinator/MTSS Coordinator
Justin Browning - CTE/Innovation Coordinator/AP Innovation Zone
Instructional Technology Services:
Melissa Moss - Digital Learning Coach
Valerie Stokes - Digital Learning Coach
Technical Services:
Steve Gumm - Director of Technical Services/CO-CIO
Cory Goode - Technical Service Specialist
Cooper Alls - Technical Service Specialist
Caden Furlong - Technical Service Specialist
Clay Madison - Technical Service Specialist
Mrs. Lacie Burks, Technology Secretary
Student Help Desk & District Video Channel/BC Live:
Kris Aquino - Teacher
Professional Learning
Professional Learning Resources -
Resources and Forms for Staff
Comprehensive Improvement Planning Resources
Barren County CSIP Resources -
Planning resources for district staff
Barren County Assessment Support -
resources for BACs
(secure site)