Media Resources

Branding Guide Barren County Schools

District Brand Images and Colors

Barren Schools Brand Guide

The Barren County Schools identity and style guide are designed to reflect the mission and values of the Barren County Schools community. The elements on this page—logos, colors, and typography—are essential pieces of Barren County Schools' brand identity.  Each element was designed to create a professional, consistent, and recognizable image for the district and underlying schools.  These guidelines help to ensure the strength and consistency of the Barren County Schools’ trademarks.

We will continue to add individual school images in the next few months.

Questions?  Need help?  Please ask!


The Barren County Schools logo should be used on all official communications, print materials, signage, digital graphics, and apparel.

We understand that colors can translate differently depending on the material used and because of this we have developed “Barren County Burgundy and Gold” as a custom paint color on file with Sherwin Williams.


These are not the only fonts allowed but are strongly suggested. 
When Rockwell is not available please use a Block Type font such as Bookman Old Style.
Pristina is used as an accent font only.
When Calibri is not available please use Helvetica, Arial, Tahoma, or Verdana.  Comic Sans is NOT an acceptable font for professional documents, website posts, or digital graphics.
